Thursday, February 16, 2012

Zachary's first Aliyah

Zachary had his first individual aliyah at school today (1 day after his half birthday and on sports day of sprit week) and he did GREAT!  It was a double bonus for Mama and Daddy that Zoe's kindergarten class sang Halleluyah on the bimah as part of the Tefillah.  How sweet that they were all holding hands.
 Zoe sang the loudest and knew all the words, she was also GREAT!
 Zachary was so excited to go up for his aliyah, and he smiled a lot as he stood up there.
 His teacher, Morah Jacqui, was right there with him and he made her proud, saying the blessings nicely and then standing respectfully during the torah reading.  After his 'turn' he got a special blessing (Mishabareach) for good health and a happiness.  We are so proud of him and enjoyed watching him experience this milestone of his spiritual growth.  Mazal Tov to Zalman Avraham!

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