Sunday, July 12, 2009

Picking Blueberries and Cherries

Mama took Zachary and Zoe blueberry and cherry picking in central CT. Yes, cherries do grow in CT. The weather was perfect and we had a lot of fun. We took a tractor ride down the hill and picked blueberries first, although they above picture is of the kids next to a cherry tree. After the blueberries we ate our lunch on the grounds at a picnic bench which was lots of fun. Then we drove to the cherry orchard, although Zachary was very worries as to why we were leaving.

Zachary and Zoe ate a lot of berries, although they tried to pick 5 for each 1 they ate. Both of them were counting at one point, but not sure how many actually made it into their buckets. No worries though we ended up with over 5lbs.

Missing Daddy a lot but trying to take pictures with Mama, we attempted some self portraits. Not an easy job since Mama has short arms!

More cute shots near the blueberry bushes. The kids did have fun, it was a good time although we missed Daddy who was working hard. It was nice to do a summer activity after so much rain. Tonights treat - berries and cream, what could be bad!

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