Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Jackson Bob Schulman ... JACK

Meet Jackson, our new kitten who we found under our front steps, lonely and hungry. He had a sibling here with him, but alas it has disappeared. So we felt that Jack needed a dry place and guaranteed food source so we brought him to our basement. Also a local group, SAFE, has agreed to help us with the initial expenses of making sure that Jack is healthy and safe to bring into our home and cohabitate with our current cat, Winston.

Also, in case you are wondering, Zachary named him Bob, but then agreed we could make it his middle name since everyone agreed that Jackson was a good name!

Jack is only 1 lb and about 4-5 weeks old. He is too young for some of the testing so he has to stay in the basement for now to protect Winston. We hope they get a long well though since the kids (especially Zoe) are in love.

Jack practically fits in this bowl we used to feed him, his front paws are in the bowl with his head ... wonder if he will ever get as big as Winston who is now almost 18 lbs and was 1.5 lbs when he got him 7 years ago.
See how little he is ... next to Betsy's shoe (which isn't big to begin with). Stay tuned for pictures of Jack with Zachary and Zoe.

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