Monday, July 7, 2008

More Summer Fun

We took the kids to the local farmers market, and got this great shot of Zachary in the park. We had yummy raspberries and a homemade trail mix that the kids enjoyed. We also bought some snap peas but only ate a few unlike the raspberries which we devoured, well mostly Zoe (see below).

Any afternoon the sun is shining we fill the pool and water table for some backyard fun and cooling off. The kids take turns watering various plants, moving toys from the table to the pool and back again. Also, Zoe likes to eat many of the toys (lovely) and Zachary likes to say he is going to swim but actually never sits down. However, he loves to run and jump through the sprinkler so they both are very wet by the time it is time to go in for dinner. Summer is so fun!

The kids both like to water the garden - and it is growing well so we aren't complaining.

A little break from water fun to see how fast the slide is when your Tushie is wet. It is pretty fast (if you don't have your shoes on).
Can you see our first snap peas next to the gang. We harvested one and boy were the peas sweet. What a treat! There will be more in a few days, and now we know for next year that they grow well in our garden. Keep your fingers crossed on the peppers, cukes, beets and basil.

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