Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Erecting the Sukkah 2013

We interrupt our catch up to give you pre-sukkot 2013.
We got the sukkah up, thanks to help from the Nolde's ... and we have it in a new spot this year since we had so much tree work thanks to hurricane Sandy.  We haven't decorated it yet, and we have to put up new pictures this year to include Zevi. 

Zachary was a big helper, and provided music for us to work to.

Zoe was not so much help with construction this year - instead she was in charge of entertaining baby Zevi as he watched from the swing and helping the Nolde boys catch a frog who we named Fred. 
Chag Sameach Sukkot from our sukkah to yours. 

Monday, September 16, 2013

Zevi 2nd and 3rd week

Looking back at Zevi's early weeks.  He enjoyed snuggles from everyone and lots of them.  

Here is Zevi wearing a sleeper that once belonged to Uncle Brian.  He was warm and comfy,
Zevi sporting a cowboy onesie became known as Tex Ritter that week.
Lastly, Zachary had a big assignment due for his study of the Native Americans.  He built a Yarok 'house' out of popsicle sticks and used real moss as the grass.  He did very well on this assignment.