Wednesday, May 26, 2010

New Camera

We got a new camera ... thanks Grammy and Grandpa!!! We are so excited at all the possibilities we now have and Daddy has already been busy snapping shots to test all the new capabilities the SLR gives us and interchanging it with various lenses he already had trying to decide what if anything he still needs. It has been loads of fun and here are a few new pics of the kids to enjoy.
We realized that Zachary is ow 5 and 3/4 and that Zoe is fastly approaching her 3/4 birthday in June. The end of school is looming already and summer has been in the air with hot weather and bright sunny days. Our garden is getting more and more occupants from our sun room pseudo green house and the seedlings are so far holding their own.
Zachary 5 and 3/4 ... looking cute!
Don't be alarmed, Winston was a good sport about this picture and no Zoe is not strangling him despite how it might look. Jackson wouldn't join the photo shoot.
Afternoon BBQ at the Nolde's house. Zachary had a blast on their zip line, and he did it all by himself! Zoe had a lot of fun with "Lemon" the chicken and Aidan as they chased chickens around the yard. Zoe was a super chicken holder, no fear that girl.

Zoe the ham, always giving a cheese for a picture.

Remember how much fun licorice is :-)

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Fun day at Lighthouse Point

We had a birthday party on the beach at Lighthouse Point this weekend. The weather was perfect, clear blue skies, and sun! The kids even dipped their feet in the very cold Long Island Sound. Hopefully by August the water will be warm. The playground and the sand were loads of fun, the kids built a castle which they won medals for, and climbed all over the jungle gym. It was a great party and a great day.

Zoe has a very strong upper body and is a pro at hanging from the rings. Zachary is the king of the slide and manages to hit every slide no matter what playground he is on - even the twisty bar slides.
That night, Daddy and Mama attended the Westville Synagogue Gala Dinner to honor friends in the community for their hard work for the Shul. Daddy worked very hard on the Tribute book distributed at the dinner and Mama helped coordinate the caterer. It was a great evening and everyone had fun and ate well.

Jackson and Winston were both snuggling on the couch by Daddy's legs. At one point Jackson was laying against Winston but we missed the photo opp. In any case they really have become brothers!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Zachary gets a Yellow Belt and Zoe has Mommy Day

Zachary earned the next belt in Karate - a Yellow Belt! Woo Hoo Zachary. We have seen improvements in his balance, concentration, self-reliance and most importantly he is having fun and proud of himself! Go Zachary, little ninja!
Zachary has several other classmates who are in the karate class with him as seen below, Maximus, Sean, Aviva, and Joshua. Good job to all the kids for working hard.

Check out Zachary getting ready to give a karate kick during the test.

After he got his certificate and Yellow belt he got to slap hands with all the teachers. Way to go.

Zoe's class had "Mommy Day," which was adorable! We painted, read, planted basil, and made special tea sandwiches for snack. Zoe was so happy to have Mama there and it was a lovely visit.